Adoption is not something we knew lots about, but when we starting thinking about it, I spent lots of time researching it. I was definitely ready long before Jonathan so I just kept researching and praying. Eventually, he also decided that we should adopt. We knew we wanted to adopt a girl of Asian descent. We also decided we did not want to pursue an infant adoption. All this was leading us towards China. Then, some very good friends of ours told us about friends who had adopted from Taiwan. I started looking there and we both felt lead to Taiwan. We submitted our applications for our homestudy and agency in July 2006. Then, there was LOTS and LOTS of paperwork. In October, we got "the call". Laura, our agency director, called to let us know they had a referral for us. She gave us lots of information and emailed more. We decided that she was the little girl for us. The boys were estactic because now they had pictures to see and show off. We were officially approved to adopt Chloe on December 20(happy birthday to me!!). We are now in the waiting stage of the courts in Taiwan. The court process is 4 - 6 months long. We will get around 2 weeks notice to travel and will spend about 5 days in Taiwan. We will all travel to bring our little girl home!! Now, if the waiting could go faster . . .
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