Wednesday, June 13, 2007

And now for the boys!

Daddy throwing Kale into the lake.
Brotherly love that then led to Kale going to time out since
he tried to drown his brother.
Cody's turn to fly!
Then, Keegan goes flying!
Working away making a bird house.
Keegan making his bug box.
Cody intensly working on his project.
The boys enjoying their time in the water.
Keegan felt the need to ride on Cody.
Kale during his time out (see above).
Cody going swimming even with jeans.
Keegan checking out his belly from being tossed in the water.
Enjoying ice cream after a fun trip to the park.
The boys were given the Lowe's aprons at a festival and
they believed they needed hammers and goggles to complete the look. I guess they were right because they look awfully cute.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Oh My it looks like you guys all had a blast. It looks like sooo much fun.