Right past our house is the neighborhood pool. We generally have not made the best use of this great opportunity. We are attempting to make better use of it now. We went swimming this
past Saturday. It was so much fun we stayed for about 3 hours. The boys are always skittish at first but eventually warm up to playing. Jonathan took Cody and worked with him on swimming, diving, and jumping off the board in the deep end. Cody has made great progress and can jump off and swim to the ladder on his own. I worked with Chloe on relaxing in the pool. She had Dora
swimmies on but it took her awhile to calm down. Eventually she did and swam/floated around on her own. Her little legs moved VERY fast and she was quite excited. She did not want to get out or have anyone hold her. Next up I worked with
Keegan. Amazingly he had no fear or panic so I used that to my advantage. I pushed him really hard and it paid off--he swam from one side of the pool to the other all on his own!! He was so excited!! And I was very proud of him. Kale was just enjoying playing around and going under to find a toy. He was not ready to attempt much more.
Before we left, the lifeguard asked if we had ever thought about putting our kids on the swim team. I was like what you saw is all they can swim. She said she had been watching them and they can do better than many kids on the team and we should try it. So next year I think we might give it a try. She said they work on teaching them how to swim and I figure it beats swim lessons. Swim lessons only last for a week or two. Swim team goes on for about 8 weeks so they get
plenty of practice. We'll keep you up to date!
Today, I took the kids back for some more swimming. Again, Chloe swam all around. She even figured out how to float on her back and she would just laugh and laugh.
Keegan swam from one side to the other several times. Cody is enjoying working on flipping and practicing his swimming. I think we are going to attempt to head over there each day to keep up
their practicing.