"Uncharted" is the story of five college pals who became acquainted while working for an author to help sell his new book. Although they all feel a strong connection and develop deep friendships, after college, and divorce for a pair in the group, they go their separate ways and lead very different lives. David is the only one in the group who reads the book and takes it to heart. Eventually, he is also the one who gets them back together. Agreeing to help on a mission trip, they all have no idea of the magnitude of the adventure, hardship and harsh reality they will eventually have to face. The reader
will find several twists and surprises along the way. Wow! It is definitely a thought provoker, making you evaluate your own life. Angela also provides questions for group discussion.
I read this book over the past few days. It was very interesting and surprising at the end. I'd love for someone else to read this and tell me what they think. It is Christian fiction and I was able to check it out at the library. Let me know what you think.
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